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with-simple-restart Macro


with-simple-restart (name format-control {format-argument}*) {form}*

→ {result}*

Arguments and Values:

name—a symbol.

format-control—a format control.

format-argument—an object (i.e., a format argument).

forms—an implicit progn.

results—in the normal situation, the values returned by the forms; in the exceptional situation where the restart named name is invoked, two values—nil and t.


with-simple-restart establishes a restart.

If the restart designated by name is not invoked while executing forms, all values returned by the last of forms are returned. If the restart designated by name is invoked, control is transferred to with-simple-restart, which returns two values, nil and t.

If name is nil, an anonymous restart is established.

The format-control and format-arguments are used report the restart.



(defun read-eval-print-loop (level)
(with-simple-restart (abort "Exit command level ~D." level)
(with-simple-restart (abort "Return to command level ~D." level)
(let ((form (prog2 (fresh-line) (read) (fresh-line))))
(prin1 (eval form)))))))
(read-eval-print-loop 1)
(+ ’a 3)
▷ Error: The argument, A, to the function + was of the wrong type. ▷ The function expected a number.
▷ To continue, type :CONTINUE followed by an option number:
▷ 1: Specify a value to use this time.
▷ 2: Return to command level 1.
▷ 3: Exit command level 1.
▷ 4: Return to Lisp Toplevel.
(defun compute-fixnum-power-of-2 (x)
(with-simple-restart (nil "Give up on computing 2<i><sup>∧</sup></i>~D." x)
(let ((result 1))
(dotimes (i x result)
(setq result (\* 2 result))
(unless (fixnump result)
(error "Power of 2 is too large."))))))
(defun compute-power-of-2 (x)
(or (compute-fixnum-power-of-2 x) ’something big))
(compute-power-of-2 10)
(compute-power-of-2 10000)
▷ Error: Power of 2 is too large.
▷ To continue, type :CONTINUE followed by an option number.
<i>.</i> 1: Give up on computing 2<i><sup>∧</sup></i>10000.
▷ 2: Return to Lisp Toplevel
▷ Debug> :continue 1

See Also:



with-simple-restart is shorthand for one of the most common uses of restart-case.

with-simple-restart could be defined by:

(defmacro with-simple-restart ((restart-name format-control

&rest format-arguments)

&body forms)

‘(restart-case (progn ,@forms)

(,restart-name ()

:report (lambda (stream)

(format stream ,format-control ,@format-arguments))

(values nil t))))

Because the second return value is t in the exceptional case, it is common (but not required) to arrange for the second return value in the normal case to be missing or nil so that the two situations can be distinguished.

abort Restart

Data Arguments Required:



The intent of the abort restart is to allow return to the innermost “command level.” Implementors are encouraged to make sure that there is always a restart named abort around any user code so that user code can call abort at any time and expect something reasonable to happen; exactly what the reasonable thing is may vary somewhat. Typically, in an interactive listener, the invocation of

abort returns to the Lisp reader phase of the Lisp read-eval-print loop, though in some batch or multi-processing situations there may be situations in which having it kill the running process is more appropriate.

See Also:

Section (Restarts), Section (Interfaces to Restarts), invoke-restart, abort (function)

continue Restart

Data Arguments Required:



The continue restart is generally part of protocols where there is a single “obvious” way to continue, such as in break and cerror. Some user-defined protocols may also wish to incorporate it for similar reasons. In general, however, it is more reliable to design a special purpose restart with a name that more directly suits the particular application.


(let ((x 3))
(handler-bind ((error #’(lambda (c)
(let ((r (find-restart ’continue c)))
(when r (invoke-restart r))))))
(cond ((not (floatp x))
(cerror "Try floating it." "~D is not a float." x)
(float x))
(t x))))3.0

See Also:

Section (Restarts), Section (Interfaces to Restarts), invoke-restart, continue (function), assert, cerror

muffle-warning Restart

Data Arguments Required:



This restart is established by warn so that handlers of warning conditions have a way to tell warn that a warning has already been dealt with and that no further action is warranted.


(defvar \*all-quiet\* nil) → \*ALL-QUIET\*
(defvar \*saved-warnings\* ’()) → \*SAVED-WARNINGS\*
(defun quiet-warning-handler (c)
(when \*all-quiet\*
(let ((r (find-restart ’muffle-warning c)))

(when r
(push c \*saved-warnings\*)
(invoke-restart r)))))
(defmacro with-quiet-warnings (&body forms)
(let ((\*all-quiet\* t)
(\*saved-warnings\* ’()))
(handler-bind ((warning #’quiet-warning-handler))
(setq saved
(warn "Situation #1.")
(let ((\*all-quiet\* nil))
(warn "Situation #2."))
(warn "Situation #3.")))
▷ Warning: Situation #2.
(#<SIMPLE-WARNING 42744421> #<SIMPLE-WARNING 42744365>)
(dolist (s saved) (format t "~&~A~%" s))
▷ Situation #3.
▷ Situation #1.

See Also:

Section (Restarts), Section (Interfaces to Restarts), invoke-restart, muffle-warning (function), warn

store-value Restart

Data Arguments Required:

a value to use instead (on an ongoing basis).


The store-value restart is generally used by handlers trying to recover from errors of types such as cell-error or type-error, which may wish to supply a replacement datum to be stored permanently.


(defun type-error-auto-coerce (c)
(when (typep c ’type-error)
(let ((r (find-restart ’store-value c)))
(handler-case (let ((v (coerce (type-error-datum c)

(type-error-expected-type c))))
(invoke-restart r v))
(error ()))))) → TYPE-ERROR-AUTO-COERCE
(let ((x 3))
(handler-bind ((type-error #’type-error-auto-coerce))
(check-type x float)

See Also:

Section (Restarts), Section (Interfaces to Restarts), invoke-restart, store-value (function), ccase, check-type, ctypecase, use-value (function and restart)

use-value Restart

Data Arguments Required:

a value to use instead (once).


The use-value restart is generally used by handlers trying to recover from errors of types such as cell-error, where the handler may wish to supply a replacement datum for one-time use.

See Also:

Section (Restarts), Section (Interfaces to Restarts), invoke-restart, use-value (function), store-value (function and restart)

abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use value Function


abort &optional condition →

continue &optional condition → nil

muffle-warning &optional condition →

store-value value &optional condition → nil

use-value value &optional condition → nil

abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use-value

Arguments and Values:

value—an object.

condition—a condition object, or nil.


Transfers control to the most recently established applicable restart having the same name as the function. That is, the function abort searches for an applicable abort restart, the function continue searches for an applicable continue restart, and so on.

If no such restart exists, the functions continue, store-value, and use-value return nil, and the functions abort and muffle-warning signal an error of type control-error.

When condition is non-nil, only those restarts are considered that are either explicitly associated with that condition, or not associated with any condition; that is, the excluded restarts are those that are associated with a non-empty set of conditions of which the given condition is not an element. If condition is nil, all restarts are considered.


;;; Example of the ABORT retart 
(defmacro abort-on-error (&body forms)
(handler-bind ((error #’abort))
,@forms)) → ABORT-ON-ERROR
(abort-on-error (+ 3 5))8
(abort-on-error (error "You lose."))
▷ Returned to Lisp Top Level.
;;; Example of the CONTINUE restart
(defun real-sqrt (n)
(when (minusp n)
(setq n (- n))
(cerror "Return sqrt(~D) instead." "Tried to take sqrt(-~D)." n))
(sqrt n))
(real-sqrt 4)2
(real-sqrt -9)
▷ Error: Tried to take sqrt(-9).
▷ To continue, type :CONTINUE followed by an option number:
▷ 1: Return sqrt(9) instead.
▷ 2: Return to Lisp Toplevel.
▷ Debug> (continue)
▷ Return sqrt(9) instead.

**abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use-value**
(handler-bind ((error #’(lambda (c) (continue))))
(real-sqrt -9))3
;;; Example of the MUFFLE-WARNING restart
(defun count-down (x)
(do ((counter x (1- counter)))
((= counter 0) ’done)
(when (= counter 1)
(warn "Almost done"))
(format t "~&~D~%" counter)))
(count-down 3)
▷ Warning: Almost done
(defun ignore-warnings-while-counting (x)
(handler-bind ((warning #’ignore-warning))
(count-down x)))
(defun ignore-warning (condition)
(declare (ignore condition))
(ignore-warnings-while-counting 3)
;;; Example of the STORE-VALUE and USE-VALUE restarts
(defun careful-symbol-value (symbol)
(check-type symbol symbol)
(restart-case (if (boundp symbol)
(return-from careful-symbol-value
(symbol-value symbol))
(error ’unbound-variable
:name symbol))
(use-value (value)
:report "Specify a value to use this time."

**abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use-value**
(store-value (value)
:report "Specify a value to store and use in the future."
(setf (symbol-value symbol) value))))
(setq a 1234)1234
(careful-symbol-value ’a)1234
(makunbound ’a) → A
(careful-symbol-value ’a)
▷ Error: A is not bound.
▷ To continue, type :CONTINUE followed by an option number.
▷ 1: Specify a value to use this time.
▷ 2: Specify a value to store and use in the future.
▷ 3: Return to Lisp Toplevel.
▷ Debug> (use-value 12)
(careful-symbol-value ’a)
▷ Error: A is not bound.
▷ To continue, type :CONTINUE followed by an option number.
▷ 1: Specify a value to use this time.
▷ 2: Specify a value to store and use in the future.
▷ 3: Return to Lisp Toplevel.
▷ Debug> (store-value 24)
(careful-symbol-value ’a)
;;; Example of the USE-VALUE restart
(defun add-symbols-with-default (default &rest symbols)
(handler-bind ((sys:unbound-symbol
#’(lambda (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(use-value default))))
(apply #’+ (mapcar #’careful-symbol-value symbols))))
(setq x 1 y 2)2
(add-symbols-with-default 3 ’x ’y ’z)6

Side Effects:

A transfer of control may occur if an appropriate restart is available, or (in the case of the function abort or the function muffle-warning) execution may be stopped.

Affected By:

Each of these functions can be affected by the presence of a restart having the same name.

abort, continue, muffle-warning, store-value, use-value

Exceptional Situations:

If an appropriate abort restart is not available for the function abort, or an appropriate muffle-warning restart is not available for the function muffle-warning, an error of type control-error is signaled.

See Also:

invoke-restart, Section (Restarts), Section (Interfaces to Restarts), assert, ccase, cerror, check-type, ctypecase, use-value, warn


(abort condition) (invoke-restart ’abort)

(muffle-warning) (invoke-restart ’muffle-warning)

(continue) (let ((r (find-restart ’continue))) (if r (invoke-restart r))) (use-value x) (let ((r (find-restart ’use-value))) (if r (invoke-restart r x))) (store-value x) (let ((r (find-restart ’store-value))) (if r (invoke-restart r x)))

No functions defined in this specification are required to provide a use-value restart.

Expanded Reference: with-simple-restart


TODO: Please contribute to this page by adding explanations and examples

(with-simple-restart )