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simple-condition Condition Type

Class Precedence List:

simple-condition, condition, t


The type simple-condition represents conditions that are signaled by signal whenever a format control is supplied as the function’s first argument. The format control and format arguments are initialized with the initialization arguments named :format-control and :format-arguments to make-condition, and are accessed by the functions simple-condition-format-control and simple-condition-format-arguments. If format arguments are not supplied to make-condition, nil is used as a default.

See Also:

simple-condition-format-control, simple-condition-format-arguments

simple-condition-format-control, simple condition-format-arguments Function


simple-condition-format-control condition → format-control

simple-condition-format-arguments condition → format-arguments

Arguments and Values:

condition—a condition of type simple-condition.

format-control—a format control.

format-arguments—a list.


simple-condition-format-control returns the format control needed to process the condition’s format arguments.

simple-condition-format-arguments returns a list of format arguments needed to process the condition’s format control.


(setq foo (make-condition ’simple-condition 
:format-control "Hi ~S"
→ #<SIMPLE-CONDITION 26223553>
(apply #’format nil (simple-condition-format-control foo)
(simple-condition-format-arguments foo))
"Hi HO"

See Also:

simple-condition, Section 9.1 (Condition System Concepts)

Expanded Reference: simple-condition


TODO: Please contribute to this page by adding explanations and examples

(simple-condition )