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find-restart Function


find-restart identifier &optional condition


Arguments and Values:

identifier—a non-nil symbol, or a restart.

condition—a condition object, or nil.

restart—a restart or nil.


find-restart searches for a particular restart in the current dynamic environment.

When condition is non-nil, only those restarts are considered that are either explicitly associated with that condition, or not associated with any condition; that is, the excluded restarts are those that are associated with a non-empty set of conditions of which the given condition is not an element. If condition is nil, all restarts are considered.

If identifier is a symbol, then the innermost (most recently established) applicable restart with that name is returned. nil is returned if no such restart is found.

If identifier is a currently active restart, then it is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.


(let ((r (find-restart ’my-restart)))
(format t "~S is named ~S" r (restart-name r)))
(my-restart () nil))
▷ #<RESTART 32307325> is named MY-RESTART
(find-restart ’my-restart)

Affected By:

Existing restarts.

restart-case, restart-bind, with-condition-restarts.

See Also:



(find-restart identifier)

(find identifier (compute-restarts) :key :restart-name)

Although anonymous restarts have a name of nil, the consequences are unspecified if nil is given as an identifier. Occasionally, programmers lament that nil is not permissible as an identifier argument. In most such cases, compute-restarts can probably be used to simulate the desired effect.

Expanded Reference: find-restart


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(find-restart )