locally Special Operator
locally {declaration}* {form}* ! {result}*
Arguments and Values:
Declaration—a declare expression; not evaluated.
forms—an implicit progn.
results—the values of the forms.
Sequentially evaluates a body of forms in a lexical environment where the given declarations have e↵ect.
(defun sample-function (y) ;this y is regarded as special
(declare (special y))
Evaluation and
(let ((y t)) ;this y is regarded as lexical
(list y
(locally (declare (special y))
;; this next y is regarded as special
(sample-function nil) *!* (T NIL)
(setq x ’(1 2 3) y ’(4 . 5)) *!* (4 . 5)
;;; The following declarations are not notably useful in specific.
;;; They just offer a sample of valid declaration syntax using LOCALLY.
(locally (declare (inline floor) (notinline car cdr))
(declare (optimize space))
(floor (car x) (cdr y))) *!* 0, 1
;;; This example shows a definition of a function that has a particular set
;;; of OPTIMIZE settings made locally to that definition.
(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3) (space 3) (speed 0)))
(defun frob (w x y &optional (z (foo x y)))
(mumble x y z w)))
*!* FROB
;;; This is like the previous example, except that the optimize settings
;;; remain in effect for subsequent definitions in the same compilation unit. (declaim (optimize (safety 3) (space 3) (speed 0)))
(defun frob (w x y &optional (z (foo x y)))
(mumble x y z w))
*!* FROB
See Also:
The special declaration may be used with locally to a↵ect references to, rather than bindings of, variables.
If a locally form is a top level form, the body forms are also processed as top level forms. See Section 3.2.3 (File Compilation).
theExpanded Reference: locally
TODO: Please contribute to this page by adding explanations and examples
(locally )