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nthcdr Function


nthcdr n list → tail

Arguments and Values:

n—a non-negative integer .

list—a list, which might be a dotted list or a circular list.

tail—an object.


Returns the tail of list that would be obtained by calling cdr n times in succession.


(nthcdr 0()) → NIL 
(nthcdr 3()) → NIL
(nthcdr 0(a b c))(A B C)
(nthcdr 2(a b c))(C)
(nthcdr 4(a b c))()
(nthcdr 1(0 . 1))1
(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
(nthcdr 3(0 . 1)))
Error: Attempted to take CDR of 1.

Exceptional Situations:

Should signal an error of type type-error if n is not a non-negative integer .

For n being an integer greater than 1, the error checking done by (nthcdr n list) is the same as for (nthcdr (- n 1) (cdr list)); see the function cdr.

See Also:

cdr, nth, rest

Expanded Reference: nthcdr


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(nthcdr )