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list, list

list, list∗ Function


list &rest objects → list

list* &rest objects+ → result

Arguments and Values:

object—an object.

list—a list.

result—an object.


list returns a list containing the supplied objects.

list* is like list except that the last argument to list becomes the car of the last cons constructed, while the last argument to list* becomes the cdr of the last cons constructed. Hence, any given call to list* always produces one fewer conses than a call to list with the same number of arguments.

If the last argument to list* is a list, the effect is to construct a new list which is similar, but which has additional elements added to the front corresponding to the preceding arguments of list*.

If list* receives only one object, that object is returned, regardless of whether or not it is a list.


(list 1)(1) 
(list\* 1)1
(setq a 1)1
(list a 2)(1 2)
(a 2)(A 2)
(list ’a 2)(A 2)
(list\* a 2)(1 . 2)
(list) → NIL ;*i.e.*, ()
(setq a ’(1 2))(1 2)
(eq a (list\* a)) → true
(list 3 4 ’a (car(b . c)) (+ 6 -2))(3 4 A B 4)
(list\* ’a ’b ’c ’d) *≡* (cons ’a (cons ’b (cons ’c ’d)))(A B C . D)
(list\* ’a ’b ’c ’(d e f))(A B C D E F)

See Also:



(list* x) ≡ x

Expanded Reference: list, list


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(list, list )