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One of the most distinctive features of Common Lisp is its macros. Macros are special functions which operate on code before it is compiled. In most other languages, code is strutured according to a fairly complex syntax, which is parsed to generate an abstract syntax tree. This is designed to be used internally by the compiler or interpreter and writing functions which operate on code is generally very challenging. Lisp code is already structed as a tree, written with s-expressions and read in as a familiar cons structure which can be manipulated in the same way as any other data. This equivalance between code and data is described by the Greek word "homoiconicity" meaning "same representation", and it makes Lisp macros particularly powerful and easy to write.

Macros have multiple uses. They can introduce new syntax to the language, control when code is evaluated and how many times, or make programs more efficient by doing computation at compile time. This tutorial will explore some simple but useful examples.


Suppose we have some lisp forms and we want to check they all evaluate to true. The obvious way to write this is (and a b c), where a b and c are some arbitrary lisp forms. We could implement this as a function, using rest parameters and recursion to operate on an arbitrary number of values before returning either the final value, or nil if any of the other values are nil.

(defun and (&rest values)
(when (car values)
(if (cdr values)
(and (cdr values))
(car values))))
* (and (< 1 2) 3)
* (and (> 1 2) 3)

This seems to work, but suppose we are writing a control system for a rocket silo. We want to perform a sequence of operations, checking each stage returns a true value to indicate it has been successfully completed.

* (and (open-doors) (prime-fuel-tanks) (launch-rocket))

Order of evaluation

Why did our silo just blow up?

These are all functions with side effects. Calling open-doors sends a signal to open the doors and then returns t if sensors indicate the doors have opened correctly or nil otherwise. When a function is called all of its arguments are all evaluated first, followed by the body of the function. This means that our and expression will try to open the doors, prime the fuel tanks and launch the rocket, and only afterwards check the doors opened successfully.

With a macro we can control exactly when the evaluation happens

(defmacro %and (&rest forms)
(list 'when (car forms)
(if (cddr forms)
(cons '%and (cdr forms))
(cadr forms))))

Our missile silo controller is expanded at compile time to

(if (open-doors)
(if (prime-fuel-tanks)

If an argument evaluates to nil, the chain of if statements is broken and none of the remaining arguments are evaulated.

Notice that (when a b) is itself a macro invocation, which expands to (if a b). Many expressions which require special syntax in other languages are implemented as macros in Lisp. The AND macro is part of the language specification which means it is provided by all Common Lisp implementations, usually with code similar to our example.


Common Lisp's backquote syntax is very useful tool for constructing code in macros and complex data structures generally. Instead of constructing a data structure with functions like cons list and append, one can simple write a quoted template and insert values into it by unquoting with commas. For instance, instead of

(append '(there will be) (incf n) '(green bottles standing on the wall))

With backquote we can write

* (defvar n 10)
* `(there will be ,(decf n) green bottles standing on the wall)
(there will be 9 green bottles standing on the wall)
* `(there will be ,(decf n) green bottles standing on the wall)
(there will be 8 green bottles standing on the wall)

The comma unquotes the expression following it so it is evaluated as if it were outside the quote. n is decremented and the result is inserted into the quoted structure.

Lists can also be unquoted with ,@ which splices the contents of the list into the surrounding structure. Compare

* (defvar object '(green bottle))
* `(there will be 1 ,object standing on the wall)
(there will be 1 (green bottle) standing on the wall)
* `(there will be 1 ,@object standing on the wall)
(there will be 1 green bottle standing on the wall)

Backquote is extremely useful for generating code in macros. Subsequent examples will make heavy use of it.

Comparing numbers

Quite often a program needs to compare two numbers and do something different depending on which is larger. In Lisp we could use a cond form like this

(cond ((< x y) (y-is-bigger))
((= x y) (both-equal))
(t (x-is-bigger)))

This is quite long winded for such a common pattern. It would be clearer and more convenient if we could write something like (compare (x y) (y-is-bigger) (x-is-bigger) (both-equal)). Luckily with macros we can.

(defmacro compare ((a b) < = >)
`(cond ((< ,a ,b) ,<)
((= ,a ,b) ,=)
(t ,>)))

Destructuring lambda lists

Unlike ordinary functions where arguments are interpreted and bound according to an ordinary lambda list, the arguments to a macro are destructured, and defined by a destructuring lambda list. This means we can define a macro which takes structured arguments and have the variables bound automatically. In compare we have put a and b into their own list for clarity.

* (let ((x 100)
(y 10))
(compare (x y) 'y-is-bigger 'both-equal 'x-is-bigger))

This appears to work but there is a problem.

* (let ((x 11)
(y 10))
(compare ((decf x) y) 'b-is-bigger 'both-equal 'a-is-bigger))

Unintentional repeated evaluation

If x is 11, (decf x) will decrement x and return 10, so the result we would expect is BOTH-EQUAL. What is happening is that when the first test, (< ,a ,b), fails, a and b are evaluated again in the second test where we have (= ,a ,b). Arguments to a macro are not evaluated until after the macro is expanded, so if our macro returns a form which contains a twice, it will be evaluated twice. For functions which have side effects or require a lot of computation, this is not good.

We can solve this problem by generating code to evaluate a and b and bind them to variables before comparing them.

(defmacro compare ((a b) < = >)
`(let ((a ,a)
(b ,b))
(cond ((< a b) ,<)
((= a b) ,=)
(t ,>))))
* (let ((x 11)
(y 10))
(compare ((decf x) y) 'b-is-bigger 'both-equal 'a-is-bigger))

Unintentional variable capture

Good, now (decf x) is only performed once and the result is equal to y. Have we finished? How about this?

* (let ((x 10)
(y 100)
(a 'y-is-bigger)
(b 'both-equal)
(c 'x-is-bigger))
(compare (x y) a b c))

What has happened here? We expected to get back the value of a: 'y-is-bigger. Instead of which the value of x has leaked through, replacing the value we supplied. Let's look at the expansion of this macro (we can get the result of expanding a macro at runtime with the macroexpand function)

* (macroexpand '(compare (x y) a b c))
(LET ((A X) (B Y))
(COND ((< A B) A) ((= A B) B) (T C)))


Looking at the expanded form it's quite obvious what is going wrong. x is bound to a in the code produced by the macro which overrides the outer binding of a to 'y-is-bigger. We could get around this by coming up with more obscure names for bindings in macros, but there is a better solution. The function gensym returns a new uninterned symbol. Gensyms are guarenteed to be unique because no uninterned symbol is eq to any other, so if we bind a value to a gensym, we can be certain no other variables will be accidentally captured.

(defmacro compare ((a b) < = >)
(let ((asym (gensym))
(bsym (gensym)))
`(let ((,asym ,a)
(,bsym ,b))
(cond ((< ,asym ,bsym) ,<)
((= ,asym ,bsym) ,=)
(t ,>)))))


This can be expressed far more elegantly using the once-only macro, originally written by Peter Norvig and available in the Alexandria utility library. once-only automatically introduces gensym bindings for expressions in exactly the same way as the previous example.

(require 'alexandria)
(import 'alexandria:once-only)

(defmacro compare ((a b) < = >)
(once-only (a b)
`(cond ((< ,a ,b) ,<)
((= ,a ,b) ,=)
(t ,>))))

Understanding Macros

Time of Evaluation


The , Comma, ` Back Quote, and ' Quote operators

The @ Splice operator

Declaring Variables with GENSYM

Variable Capture

Classic Macro Pitfalls

Reader Macros