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nth-value Macro


nth-value n form ! object

Arguments and Values:

n—a non-negative integer ; evaluated.

form—a form; evaluated as described below.

object—an object.


Evaluates n and then form, returning as its only value the nth value yielded by form, or nil if n is greater than or equal to the number of values returned by form. (The first returned value is numbered 0.)


(nth-value 0 (values ’a ’b)) *!* A
(nth-value 1 (values ’a ’b)) *!* B
(nth-value 2 (values ’a ’b)) *!* NIL
(let\* ((x 83927472397238947423879243432432432)
(y 32423489732)

(a (nth-value 1 (floor x y)))
(b (mod x y)))
(values a b (= a b)))
*!* 3332987528, 3332987528, *true*

See Also:

multiple-value-list, nth


Operationally, the following relationship is true, although nth-value might be more ecient in some implementations because, for example, some consing might be avoided.

(nth-value n form) (nth n (multiple-value-list form))

prog, prog⇤ Macro


prog ({var | (var [init-form])}*) {declaration}* {tag | statement}*

! {result}*

prog* ({var | (var [init-form])}*) {declaration}* {tag | statement}*

! {result}*

Arguments and Values:

var—variable name.

init-form—a form.

declaration—a declare expression; not evaluated.

tag—a go tag; not evaluated.

statement—a compound form; evaluated as described below.

resultsnil if a normal return occurs, or else, if an explicit return occurs, the values that were transferred.


Three distinct operations are performed by prog and prog*: they bind local variables, they permit use of the return statement, and they permit use of the go statement. A typical prog looks like this:

(prog (var1 var2 (var3 init-form-3) var4 (var5 init-form-5))


Data and Control

prog, prog










For prog, init-forms are evaluated first, in the order in which they are supplied. The vars are then bound to the corresponding values in parallel. If no init-form is supplied for a given var, that var is bound to nil.

The body of prog is executed as if it were a tagbody form; the go statement can be used to transfer control to a tag. Tags label statements.

prog implicitly establishes a block named nil around the entire prog form, so that return can be used at any time to exit from the prog form.

The di↵erence between prog* and prog is that in prog* the binding and initialization of the vars is done sequentially, so that the init-form for each one can use the values of previous ones.


(prog\* ((y z) (x (car y))) 
(return x))
returns the *car* of the value of z.
(setq a 1) *!* 1
(prog ((a 2) (b a)) (return (if (= a b) ’= ’/=))) *!* /=
(prog\* ((a 2) (b a)) (return (if (= a b) ’= ’/=))) *!* =
(prog () ’no-return-value) *!* NIL
(defun king-of-confusion (w)
"Take a cons of two lists and make a list of conses.
Think of this function as being like a zipper."
(prog (x y z) ;Initialize x, y, z to NIL
(setq y (car w) z (cdr w))
(cond ((null y) (return x))
((null z) (go err)))
(setq x (cons (cons (car y) (car z)) x))
(setq y (cdr y) z (cdr z))
(go loop)

(cerror "Will self-pair extraneous items"
"Mismatch - gleep! ~S" y)
(setq z y)
(go rejoin))) *!* KING-OF-CONFUSION
This can be accomplished more perspicuously as follows:
(defun prince-of-clarity (w)
"Take a cons of two lists and make a list of conses.
Think of this function as being like a zipper."
(do ((y (car w) (cdr y))
(z (cdr w) (cdr z))
(x() (cons (cons (car y) (car z)) x)))
((null y) x)
(when (null z)
(cerror "Will self-pair extraneous items"
"Mismatch - gleep! ~S" y)
(setq z y)))) *!* PRINCE-OF-CLARITY

See Also:

block, let, tagbody, go, return, Section 3.1 (Evaluation)


prog can be explained in terms of block, let, and tagbody as follows:

(prog variable-list declaration . body)

(block nil (let variable-list declaration (tagbody . body)))

Expanded Reference: nth-value


TODO: Please contribute to this page by adding explanations and examples

(nth-value )