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type-of Function


type-of object → typespec

Arguments and Values:

object—an object.

typespec—a type specifier .


Returns a type specifier , typespec, for a type that has the object as an element. The typespec satisfies the following:

1. For any object that is an element of some built-in type:

a. the type returned is a recognizable subtype of that built-in type.

b. the type returned does not involve and, eql, member, not, or, satisfies, or values.


2. For all objects, (typep object (type-of object)) returns true. Implicit in this is that type specifiers which are not valid for use with typep, such as the list form of the function type specifier , are never returned by type-of.

3. The type returned by type-of is always a recognizable subtype of the class returned by class-of. That is,

(subtypep (type-of object) (class-of object)) → true, true

4. For objects of metaclass structure-class or standard-class, and for conditions, type-of returns the proper name of the class returned by class-of if it has a proper name, and otherwise returns the class itself. In particular, for objects created by the constructor function of a structure defined with defstruct without a :type option, type-of returns the structure name; and for objects created by make-condition, the typespec is the name of the condition type.

5. For each of the types short-float, single-float, double-float, or long-float of which the object is an element, the typespec is a recognizable subtype of that type.


(type-of ’a) → SYMBOL 
(type-of(1 . 2))
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> (CONS FIXNUM FIXNUM)
(type-of #c(0 1))
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> (COMPLEX INTEGER)
(defstruct temp-struct x y z) → TEMP-STRUCT
(type-of (make-temp-struct)) → TEMP-STRUCT
(type-of "abc")
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> (STRING 3)
(subtypep (type-of "abc") ’string) → true, *true*
(type-of (expt 2 40))
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> INTEGER
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> (INTEGER 1099511627776 1099511627776)
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> SYSTEM::TWO-WORD-BIGNUM
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> FIXNUM
(subtypep (type-of 112312) ’integer) → true, *true*
(defvar \*foo\* (make-array 5 :element-type t)) → \*FOO\*
(class-name (class-of \*foo\*)) → VECTOR
(type-of \*foo\*)
<i><sup>or</sup>→</i> (VECTOR T 5)

See Also:

array-element-type, class-of, defstruct, typecase, typep, Section 4.2 (Types)


Implementors are encouraged to arrange for type-of to return a portable value.

Expanded Reference: type-of


TODO: Please contribute to this page by adding explanations and examples

(type-of )