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terpri, fresh-line

terpri, fresh-line Function


terpri &optional output-stream → nil

fresh-line &optional output-stream → generalized-boolean

Arguments and Values:

output-stream – an output stream designator . The default is standard output.

generalized-boolean—a generalized boolean.


terpri outputs a newline to output-stream.

fresh-line is similar to terpri but outputs a newline only if the output-stream is not already at the start of a line. If for some reason this cannot be determined, then a newline is output anyway. fresh-line returns true if it outputs a newline; otherwise it returns false.


(with-output-to-string (s) 
(write-string "some text" s)
(terpri s)
(terpri s)
(write-string "more text" s))
"some text
more text"
(with-output-to-string (s)
(write-string "some text" s)
(fresh-line s)
(fresh-line s)
(write-string "more text" s))
"some text
more text"

Side Effects:

The output-stream is modified.

Affected By:

*standard-output*, *terminal-io*.

Exceptional Situations:



terpri is identical in effect to

(write-char #\Newline output-stream)

Expanded Reference: terpri, fresh-line


TODO: Please contribute to this page by adding explanations and examples

(terpri, fresh-line )